Draft student survey

Posted by on Feb 7, 2013 in Meeting Minutes | No Comments

The Internet Research Team (IRT) is a collaborative of GC students, faculty, and staff interested in the uses of the Internet to conduct academic research and who have come together to share information, ideas, skills, and approaches. We are conducting this survey to locate other students and faculty who are interested in digital scholarship.


– Have you ever conducted academic research online? If so, what type of research have you conducted (using such digital venues as websites, blogs, online discussion groups, Facebook, Twitter, online courses, etc.)?

-Are you currently conducting academic research online? What methods are you using? (open answer or check list of things like content analysis, email interviews, etc. and give them space to describe the work in a bit more detail.)

-(If not already at the dissertation stage) Are you considering conducting research online for your dissertation or another academic project?

-What kind of support does your adviser give you in using online research methods? Your program? The Graduate Center overall?

-What resources would you like to have available to help you in using online research methods?

-Are you aware of, involved in, or a user of:

  1. The New Media Lab (aware of; past/present member)
  2. The Interactive Technology and Pedagogy certificate program? (aware of; enrolled in; completed)
  3. The CUNY Academic Commons (aware of; user)
  4. OpenCUNY (aware of; user)
  5. #OccupyData Hackathons (aware of; participant)
  6. The Internet Research Team (aware of; member)
  7. Digital Fellowships (aware of; fellow)
  8. Provost’s Digital Innovation Grants (aware of; grantee)

-What is your academic discipline?

-If you are a doctoral student are you Level 1, 2, or 3?

-What are your primary research interests?

-Please provide an email address if you would like more information about (check list from #7)

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