Mon 11/25, 4:15p “Tom Scheinfeldt, “Making Hay: Lessons in Collaboration from One Week | One Tool ”

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CUNYirt community please join our friends, CUNY DHI and the Digital Praxis Seminar,  for a talk by Tom Scheinfeldt (@foundhistory) on DH Project Management.

This event will take place on Monday, November 25, 2013 from 4:15-5:30pm at the CUNY Graduate Center in the Skylight Room (9100), and is free to attend and open to the public.We request you RSVP here, but registration is not mandatory: RSVP with Eventbrite (not required)

Making Hay: Lessons in Collaboration from One Week | One Tool

Digital Humanities projects are rarely blessed with abundant, or even adequate, resources. Staff, skills, equipment, and money are almost always tight. The experience of One Week | One Tool (, an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities,demonstrates that time and resource constraints can be made to work in a project’s favor. First in 2010 and again in 2013,

One Week | One Tool brought together a diverse group of academic and cultural professionals to conceive, plan, build, and launch an open source software tool in only seven days. Despite, or perhaps because of, these strict constraints, both groups succeeded in releasing what have proved to be extremely well-used tools for humanities research: Anthologize and Serendip-o-matic. This talk will explore some of the lessons learned from One Week | One Tool for collaboration and project management in digital humanities and the academic work at large.


For the full description of the event go here

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