The Internet Research Team is a student-led group of scholars interested in exploring, discussing, and using online and digital research methods. The group also includes faculty and staff and meets regularly throughout the year. We invite people of all levels of technical skills who are conducting or have an interest in online and digital research to join the group here on the Commons and attend the meetings.
Open Meetings are held once a month.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or use the contact form.
Micki Kaufman & Edwin Mayorga, Coordinators
Past Events
IRT Open Meeting, Thursday, May 2, 12 – 1:30 PM, Room 6304.01
”How to Run a Progressive & Collaborative ISP,” Monday, May 20th, 6PM-10PM, Room 5414. Co-sponsored by OpenCUNY. The event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited so please register at
For a calendar of more digitally-related events going on at the GC, see here.
IRT Open Meeting, Thursday, April 4, 12 – 1:30PM, Room 6304.01
Free Workshop: Op-Ed Pieces and Pitches: Framing Research for Public Audiences, Friday, March 29, 9am – 12pm, CUNY J-School, 219 West 40th St.
Feminist POC Wikipedia Takeover! Friday, March 15, 11AM – 3PM, Room 6304.01. Bring your own device. Or join virtually!
IRT open meeting, Thursday, March 7, 12 – 1:30PM, Room 6304.01
Informal conversation with co-founder of Pinterest, Paul Sciarra, Thursday, March 7, 1:30 – 3PM, Room 8201
OpenCUNY CryptoParty, Thursday, March 7, 6:30 – 10PM, Room 5409
JustPublics@365 Hands-On Workshops in Digital & Social Media. These workshops are approximately 45 minutes long and are free to all. Wednesday, March 6, 10am – 1 pm, various locations @ the GC
Archives, Books and Databases for Scholarly Research: An Orientation to Resources at NYPL, Wednesday, Feb 27 @ 6 – 7 pm, NYPL
#OccupyData NYC Hackathon, Friday-Saturday, March 1-2, James Gallery
Theorizing the Web 2013, Friday-Saturday, March 1-2, various locations
Occupy Sandy Data Project on International Open Data Day, Saturday, February 23, James Gallery
“From Citizen Journalism to Hacktivism: How to successfully use social media in grassroots campaigns” on Wednesday, Feb 20th, 6 – 8 p.m.
Dissertation Defense: Gregory T. Donovan. “MyDigitalFootprint.ORG: Young People and the Proprietary Ecologies of Everyday Data.” Thursday, February 14, 10:30am to 12:30pm, Room 6304.01
Social Media and Academia: Creating Digital Research Communities. Wednesday, February 13th, 6:30-8:30pm; Room C196.01
Open meeting: Thursday, February 7, 12 – 1:30 p.m. Room 6304.01. All are welcome!
Open Meeting, Thursday, December 13, 2-3:30, Room 4201 (Urban Education Lounge)
Open Meeting: Thursday, November 15, 2-3:30 pm, Room 6304.01 (Psychology Dept Lounge)
Panel: Digital Publishing Today, Mon Nov 26, 6:30pm | The Skylight Room (9100) at CUNY Graduate Center. Co-sponsored by The Digital Studies/Digital Humanities Seminar
CUNY IT Conference, Thursday-Friday, Nov 29-30, John Jay College